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| Възможност | Среща на европейската младеж (EYE) в Страсбург, Франция, 29-30 май 2020 г. Краен срок: 15 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Стипендии | Обменна програма за ученици от 9 и 10 клас Кенеди Лугар (YES) в САЩ за учебната 2020/2021 г. Краен срок: 31 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Стаж | Стаж в 180 Degrees Consulting Sofia октомври 2019 г. – януари 2020 г., София Краен срок: 13 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Доброволчество | Доброволчески проект към ЕКС „MEDIART“ в Сяр, Гърция, ноември 2019 г. – януари 2020 г. Краен срок: 13 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Доброволчество | Доброволчески проект „Образование за равноправие на половете“ в района на Пловдив Краен срок: 4 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Обучение | Обучение „ELF: Engage, Learn, Facilitate“ в Чехия, 8 – 16 февруари 2020 г. Краен срок: 6 октомври 2019 г. |
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| Обучение | Обучение “Academy of entrepreneurship for mentors” в Атина, Гърция, 16 – 24 ноември 2019 г. Краен срок: 6 октомври 2019 г. |
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Does a new UK PM mean a new Brexit plan in Brussels?In the often-divisive Brexit world of "them and us" it's easy to forget that, beyond Brexit, EU leaders still see the UK as a close partner and ally. Their messages of congratulation to Boris Johnson from across Europe on Tuesday - notably from French President Emmanuel Macron - are a timely reminder of that. Whatever happens with Brexit, France, Germany, Poland et al still very much hope to work closely with the UK on international issues like Russia sanctions, Iran and human rights protection. On the world stage the EU considers the UK one of the good guys. But EU leaders' welcoming tone - a diplomatic courtesy at the end of the day - should not be misconstrued when it comes to Brexit and a Boris Johnson premiership. EU invitations to the new prime minister to work with them "constructively" do not signal a willingness to accept whatever the new prime minister might demand in terms of changes to the Brexit deal. Optimists and pessimists One influential EU figure put it to me that there were currently two schools of thought in the EU when it comes to Boris Johnson: Number 1: Those who believe that, once in office, he will water down his rhetoric. These EU optimists believe that, as a chief architect of Brexit, Mr Johnson is best placed to sell a compromise deal to parliament. They also hope, after so much time longing to be prime minister, that Boris Johnson ultimately won't want to risk his fledging premiership by going for a no-deal Brexit this autumn. School of Thought Number 2: Those who predict "Varoufakis the sequel". These EU pessimists predict "lots of pointless meetings" with Prime Minister Johnson - as they believe was the case with Greece's controversial finance minister at the height of the Greek debt crisis. They think the result will be a no-deal Brexit. First and foremost though, the EU is waiting to see which figures will have Boris Johnson's ear once he's in Downing Street. "Only then can we begin to understand what Boris Johnson's Brexit strategy will be," one EU diplomat commented to me. "Up till now, all we've heard are slogans." No-deal or bad deal Of course, the EU is already familiar with Mr Johnson's so-called nuclear strategy - letting the EU know that he is very serious about a no-deal Brexit. He knows EU leaders would far prefer a coordinated Brexit. He seems to believe that the credible threat of no deal will provoke a fundamental rethink in Brussels. But the problem with the no-deal threat is that it goes both ways. EU leaders also think no-deal is better than a bad deal. For them. And they believe they are far better prepared. Boris Johnson is right. The EU has more wiggle room around the Brexit deal than it has so far wanted to signal, but also I think he overestimates EU flexibility. Europe's leaders will not want to sign up to compromises over Brexit that ultimately will hurt them. Amendments will only be forthcoming if EU leaders deem them workable and if they are convinced the new prime minister commands a majority in parliament to get the Brexit deal through once and for all. And while limited changes to the backstop guarantee for the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland might be conceivable - if Dublin is willing - the Boris Johnson notion of abandoning the backstop altogether is nigh on unthinkable for Brussels. EU leaders want to safeguard their single market from non-regulation smuggled goods. This is about more than Brexit, more than the Northern Ireland peace process. The integrity of the single market is the cornerstone of the EU's success as a trading bloc. EU leaders will not want to be seen to be abandoning Ireland either. Smaller member states are now a force to be reckoned with in the EU - working together to counter-balance Franco-German influence as the UK prepares to leave the roost. |
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Уважаеми европеисти, Скъпи колеги, От името на сдружение “Eвропа в движение” имаме удоволствието да Ви поканим да се присъедините към екипа от експерти, които биха искали да намерят своята професионална реализация, участвайки в изпълнението на обществени поръчки по програми на ЕС през настоящия (2014-2020 г.) и новия програмен период (2021-2027 г.). Съобразно интересите Ви, ще бъдете включвани в подготовката на проектни предложения и изпълнението на различни по мащаб проекти, одобрени за финансиране от ЕС, както и ще можете да пътувате на незабравими младежки обмени по програма "Еразъм +" и да участвате в различни инициативи на Европейския Корпус за Солидарност. Единственото, което е необходимо да направите, за да влезете в базата данни от експерти е да изпратите своя автобиография на български и английски език - във формат EUROPASS, като приложите и сертификат, с какъвто разполагате, удостоверяващ нивото Ви на владеене на английски език, съгласно европейската езикова рамка. Базата данни ще бъде актуална до края на 2027 г., след което ще бъде обявен нов прием на експерти. КРАЕН СРОК ЗА ПОДАВАНЕ НА КАНДИДАТУРИТЕ - 10 ДЕКЕМВРИ 2018 Г. Ще очакваме Вашите кандидатури на: |
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PROYECTO "An educated student a community in progress" Strengthening of educational activities in community educational institutions - MAMVISO - Huamalies Province, Huanuco region 1. Information about the project Nombre del proyecto: “"An educated student a community in progress" - Community of Rural schools of the Municipal Association of MAMVISO. Project address: Jr. Leoncio Prado No. 340 CPME (in front of the Main square ), Distrito: Singa Provincia: Huamalies Region: Huanuco Country: Pern Name of the Principal: Rober Vega Dominguez Telehone number: (051-084) 630386 Fax number: Email: 2. Responsible organization of the volunteer Name of the Organization: ADSCPERU (Asociacion de Desarrollo Social, Cultural y Cientffica Pern) Adress: Av. Pastor Sevilla Mz. J, Lte.2, Urbanizacion Villa Mercedes District: San Juan de Miraflores Region: Lima Countri: Pern Name of the coordination of volunteers: Flor Morales Merino Position: Program Coordinator Phone number: (051) 292270 / (0511) 987698976 Email: / Experience with volunteers: Si Distance from organization to project: 1023.8 km (18 hours road) |
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Summary of the Project Was initiated by ERC from Bitola and partner from Bulgaria. The idea for the project came out from the need of cooperation and involvement of youth people between Macedonia and Bulgaria as European Union member to share the European values and fill the European spirit with their friends on their age. The main goal in the project is cross boarded cooperation and raising the European values. The importance of the Balkan region and its geographic location, the host city is in the same region which makes them two boarder cities with huge cooperation in economical and agricultural fields and of course exportation and importation of goods. What we want is to make this cooperation in the youth field and the European Citizenship to Macedonia as candidate country for entering the EU. Learning objectives of the training course are: