Youth in Europe

Country:   Slovenia


·         European awareness

·         Social inclusion


·         Action 1.2

From    01 May 2012

to         31 October 2012


Contact Details

Mladinski Center Dravinsjke Doline, ZICKA 4A


Project title:                          Youth in Europe
Applicant:                              NGO    


Fourteen members of NGO from Slovenske konjice, Slovenia, organizes a project "Youth in Europe" from May till September 2012. Our activities will be debate, tribune and promotion of European Citizenship on Europe day. A short film, broshure and photo exhibition will be presented and the three best European thoughts will be awarded. Amount of Grant requested will be 2.900 euro.

We learn, we work 

Country: Palestinian Authority

From    01 May 2012

to         30 September 2012


Contact Details

 Salfeet Information and Communica  tion Center „SIRAJ”, Intifada Street

  Project title: I am a star and notyuhyt

Project title:                          We learn, we work        
Applicant:                              NGO


 This project, focused in the field of volunteer work, brings together 16 youth workers from 8 Euro-Med countries (Turkey, Jordan, the Palestinian Authority, Italy, Greece, the Czech Republic and Lithuania) all working in non-profit organizations.     
The programme of the encounter consists in the following: Each participant presents his organization and community as well as the youth policies and @formal@ structures that affect the way their organization work.     
The project tackles is depth the youth policy in Palestinian Authority in relationship to volunteerism.
The encounter also examines how organizations that are specialized in training of youth wirkers to work with volunteers can be the best tool to improve their personal skills, as well as the effectiveness of their hosting organizations.       

Volunteers in Action

Country:  Morocco

From    01 July 2012

to         30 November 2013


Contact Details

Association Attadamoun pour le Developpement et le Partenariat (AADP), BP.3497, Almassira, CYM

Project title: I am a star and notyuhyt

Project title:                          Volunteers in Action       
Applicant:                              NGO


This training course brings together 22 youth workers, youth activists and volunteers, working in youth NGOs in 10 Euro-med countries. The aim of this is to contribute to the quality of voluntary service projects EU and strengthen cooperation between the organizations involved in voluntary service in the Mediterranean region and in the European Union.
The specific objectives of the project are set around the areas of the practical voluntary service project management; support measures for the volunteers and the mentorship approach.
The participants also have opportunity to exchange their knowledge and expirience on how to motivate the volunteers to take active approach during their voluntary service period and on the support methods they use in encouraging the volunteers in preparing their own volunteer projects. A specific part of the training is dedicated to the evaluation and follows up methodology for voluntary service projects.   
The training is based on experiential learning methods. The programme includes introduction activities, plenary sessions leading to working groups, closing plenary sessions, some field exercise and case studies.
It is expected that the participants, together with the support of trainers, prepare a web site at a later stage. This serves as a forum of cooperation, as a tool for exchange of experience, know-how and information among the participating organizations and possibly other NGOs who would find out about the web.

Let's learn

Country: Bulgaria


·         Disability

·         Social inclusion


·         Action 1.2

From    01 January 2012

to         31 July 2012


Contact Details

 Europe on the move, ap. 2 N. 8 Charles Darwin str.

Project title:                          Let’s learn        
Applicant:                              Europe on the move      


"Let's Learn" is an youth initiative and will last 7 months. During that time workshops in four problematic fields ("Prevention of Risky Behaviour", "Active Citizenship", "Let's Learn How" and "Do we care about the environment") will be organized for 15 young people at the age between 15 and 17 who are going to leave soon The Children's Home "Assen Zlatarov", Sofia. The aim is to form and develop some practical skills and competence in the youngsters, which will help them to reintegrate successfully in community and to become really active citizens. The planned training and education will proceed in their free time and will be informal - interactive methods are preferred for the direct participation and inclusion of the participants in the activities. Most of the workshops will be implemented out of The Children's Home, which guarantees many new social contacts and experience for the teenagers. Because of their age and background during all workshops they will be supervised by a social worker and supported by volunteers.

It depends on us

Country:  Poland


·         European awareness

·         Media and communication


·         Action 1.2

From    22 December 2012

to         30 April 2013


Contact Details

Association for non formal education, Szkolna 14a/2

Project title:                          It depends on us           
Applicant:                              Association for non formal education                   


Project „It depends on us” aims to support young people's development. The initiatives and activities planned give students opportunity gradually to cover the way: personality - professional - citizen - European. Personal and professional development is stimulated through the following activities: Between school and university - first attempt to choose a profession, Between university and real professional realization, active participation in the initiative Manager for one day. Young people are given the opportunity to get acquainted with the principles of democracy and state system - Young people and state system. Their initiative and social activity are stimulated through the following activities: Young people try to solve their problems, Young people choose…and giving a concert It depends on us.
The aims are going to be achieved through the methods of non-formal education.
The project aims to influence students at the age of 16 - 18.        
The activities of the project are popularized by a forum and website, students' radio and newspaper, municipality media, round table with representatives of local authorities, establishment of traditional links with institutions directly engaged with young people's lives.

Involvement, commitment, social change 

EuroMed Youth Project

Country:        Egypt

From    01 September 2012

to         31 January 2013

Contact: Step up Youth Initiative, 49 Osma Galal Street – Muharam bek

Project title:                          Involvement, commitment, social change
Applicant:                              NGO


The aim of this project is exploring the civil service as an intercultural project that takes place in different societies of Europe and the MEDA region. To this end, a seminar about this subject is organised with the participation of 18 youth workers. The seminar looks for similar and different aspects of this service. More concretely, it studies models of civil service in Egypt, Germany, Israel, Austria, Bulgaria and Palestinian authority. The seminar methods used are workshops, visits, presentations, brainstorming and open discussions.   
The expected results are expanding cooperation between Israel, Germany, Bulgaria, Egypt, Austria and Palestinian authority  increasing the number of youngsters who do voluntary civil service in non-profit organizations and promoting youth mobility and personal development among voluntary civil servants.

Visitor's Handbook (Our Survival Guide:)

Useful information if you are visiting Bulgaria

The project "Volunteering can be fun" is a response to the need for more active actions in the field of volunteerism, given that the latter is declared priority of the European Commission (EC) for 2011. This priority of the EC intended to encourage namely projects aimed at raising awareness of the value and importance of volunteering of active engagement and as a tool do develop or improve competences for personal, social and professional development. Moreover, it is in line with the priorities of the “Youth in Action” programme for cultural diversity and for promoting youth participation in public life and democratic process. The project aims to create a favorable environment for international exchange of volunteer skills and practices among young people who are keen to promote European values. The participants will have the opportunity through non-formal educational methods (workshops, discussions, round table and different interactive games) to develop their own skills for preparing European projects, which they can latter apply on local level through their organization. The project will promote the exchange between different cultural worldviews.

It will be implemented in June 2011 in Gabrovo for 10 days. The participants are 31 young people from non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Poland and Slovenia. 

Our latest project - "Volunteering can be fun!"

A basic part of our principles are collaboration, mutual trust, freedom of expression and opinions, enterprising, creativity and innovations. We had the opportunity to put them into practice through the elaboration of our first project – “Volunteering can be fun”. For its implementation we need financing from the “Youth in Action” program, in particular Sub-Action 3.1. Youth in the World - Cooperation with the Neighbouring Countries of the European Union. The process of its creation was a real challenge for us and proved one of our basic principles – to write a really successful project you need patience, initiative, creativity and team work.  We were inspired by the European year of volunteering 2011. It made us think about the value of volunteering and its importance for our society. We could conclude that the notion about “volunteering” and the values that it contains need to be promoted among Bulgarian people. Our main ideas about the project are: it will be implemented in June 2011 in Gabrovo (Bulgaria) for 10 days. The participants are 31 young people from non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria, Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Poland and Slovenia. It consists of three modules: “Exchange of good practices and experience”; “Active citizenship through initiative and knowledge” and “Intercultural dialogue”, which corresponds to the priorities of “Youth in Action” program. We try to create an appropriate environment for intercultural exchange of volunteering skills and practices among young people and to encourage contacts between different cultural views. We consider it a unique opportunity to put into practice a dialogue between young people from European and Mediterranean countries.

We believe that enriching the skills of young participants to write and develop project ideas and acquiring that knowledge through interactive and non-formal educational methods is of great importance. The fact that they participate voluntarily is indicative of their will to be part from current social issues. We hope they will be actively involved in the whole process of realizing the project, scrutinizing the details of the process, analyzing problems, putting into practice each initiative, taking responsibility and presenting their positions. The awareness of young people of their capacity to be actively involved in different voluntary activities related to approving and promoting European values, will give them the opportunity to direct their knowledge and skills to the real needs of their societies. A greater commitment of young people to European problems and more civil initiatives are what both Bulgarian society and Europe need.

The implementation of informal methods of learning will break stereotypes in the process of acquiring knowledge and it is an attempt to direct it from theory to practice, from individual learning to mastering a variety of skills through team work.

This project is our first challenge. We hope it will become a part of a series of successful initiatives. Moreover, we believe it will encourage us to be more responsible and active Bulgarian and European citizens!

Check out the footage form the "Volunteering can be fun" project


Този проект се реализира с финансовата подкрепа на програма “Младежта в действие” на Европейската комисия, администрирана в България от Национален център „Европейски младежки програми и инициативи”. Съдържанието на настоящото
издание/вестник/брошура/ не отразява позицията на Европейската общност,
програма “Младежта в действие” или НЦЕМПИ.




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